Major Surgery as a Nutritionist – here’s what I learnt
1. You wake up with no appetite.
Having experienced smaller surgeries before, I thought I was prepared for the after-effects of general anesthesia. Yet, waking up from this major surgery, I was shocked by the persistent lack of appetite for days. It wasn’t until the fifth day post-operation that my appetite began to return. This isn’t uncommon after general anesthesia, but the trauma from surgery can often extend this effect. As someone who writes cookery books and crafts recipes, this lack of appetite was a surprise. Initially offered ice cream, which was unappealing, I opted instead for a light consommé suggested by a kind nurse. While not particularly enjoyable, it was the right choice. I kept hydrated and gradually introduced small portions of chicken and salmon with vegetables into my diet. Finally, the first food that truly sparked my interest was some sourdough toast with butter and jam.
2. When your appetite returns everything tastes so intense, almost too intense.
When my appetite returned, the flavours of everything I ate were overwhelmingly intense. A simple hospital Greek salad, featuring iceberg lettuce, black olives, feta, onions, peppers, and tomatoes, tasted incredibly salty. This newfound appreciation extended to other meals as well—chicken was exceptionally flavourful, and vegetables like carrots and parsnips were sweet and delicious. It was a delight rediscovering food.
3. You can’t poop
With my appetite back, I enjoyed meals again but faced another challenge—constipation. The hospital prescribed lactulose, a syrup that effectively resolved the issue temporarily. At home, however, I had to rely on my nutritional knowledge. I focused on consuming fibre-rich foods like ground flaxseeds, nuts, and dried fruit, staying hydrated with herbal teas and water, and using a footstool to aid bowel movements. These efforts eventually helped alleviate the problem.
4. You need to eat to sleep
Recovery from major surgery requires active effort, including achieving good sleep. Nutrition played a key role in this. By carefully balancing my meals with slow-release carbohydrates, quality proteins, and a variety of vegetables, I managed to sleep through the night by day four. Staying hydrated and drinking pre-sleep herbal tea also contributed to better rest.
5. You need to eat to heal
Healing demands a mix of nutrients. I prioritised protein and iron, choosing chicken, fish, and later beef chilli, roast lamb, and omelettes. To boost iron absorption, I incorporated vitamin C-rich foods into my diet, such as grapes, tangerines, oranges, pineapples, kiwi, apples, and pears. I ensured I consumed at least five portions of vegetables daily, either in salads, soups, or as sides. Despite being unable to take probiotic supplements, I included probiotic foods like yogurt in my diet. For my scar, I used ‘Magic Gel’ from Active Silver, which I highly recommend for anyone with wounds.
There was so much to learn, going through this first major surgery. I am glad I had the base knowledge that I did. It came in handy.