Introducing Corporate Wellbeing

Jenny aims to transform the health and wellbeing of your employees through fun and interactive workshops and corporate wellbeing programmes. A healthy workforce is intrinsically linked to the success of an organisation and is increasingly a key factor in improved workplace productivity.

Over her career, Jenny has developed a powerful and effective skill-set translating and simplifying nutrition, making it both relevant and applicable to everyday lives. She will highlight small changes that your employees can make to their food and drink choices by implementing effective healthy eating strategies, that will make a huge difference to their energy and productivity.

Corporate Nutrition and Wellness Services

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Workplace Workshops

Some of the biggest issues affecting productivity amongst workforces today are low energy, high levels of stress, poor sleep and compromised mental wellbeing. Jenny is highly skilled in addressing these key areas of health. Her one hour, half-day or full-day workshops can take your employees through each of these issues, simplifying the scientific nutrition concepts and translating this into practical advice that will support your employees in making suitable changes.

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Corporate Nutrition Programmes

Nutrition programmes run over several months and across organisations, progress employees through a series of health stages to reach their ultimate wellbeing goals. These programmes are designed to both inform and encourage employees to make lasting changes to their nutrition strategies. They can be designed in consultation with Jenny to address the areas of health most pertinent to your workforce.

Jenny seen at a corporate wellbeing event

Workplace Food Demonstrations

Jenny is at home sharing her knowledge and advice, whilst demonstrating simple recipes designed for busy people. These short demonstrations are akin to mini TV cookery programmes with a forum for questions throughout.

Corporate Health and Wellbeing Benefits

Jenny’s nutrition workshops and programmes are an investment in your most valuable asset - your workforce.

  • Incorporating Plant-Based Meals For Health
  • Fuelling Exercise Through Optimum Nutrition
  • Gut Health Optimisation
  • Managing Menopause
  • Strengthening Your Immune System
  • Improving Sleep
  • Mood and Food
  • Optimising Energy

Wellbeing At Work Clients

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Health and Wellness Testimonials

The session was great. We have received excellent feedback from everyone, and they really enjoyed it. Jenny was so engaging and obviously so knowledgeable.

Andrea Gordon, Director of HR, LLDC

I attended one of Jenny's workshops on gut health and it was brilliant. Jenny is very knowledgeable about nutrition and diet and I found the course really interesting. Jenny was really friendly and easy to follow, it was a great day.

Sarah Brazenor - More Than Learning

Corporate Nutrition and Wellness Service Examples

Jenny’s background as a director for a division of a large telecommunications company in her 20’s places her in a knowledgeable and experienced position when it comes to understanding nutrition in the workplace. With long hours, impending deadlines and meeting after meeting, it often feels like there’s little time to think about your own health and wellbeing and certainly no time to prepare nutritious meals. Through her practical workshops, Jenny will show you simple ways to make better choices that are achievable and sustainable within the context of busy working lives. She will simplify nutrition science in order to explain the benefits of eating healthier to improve your wellbeing but also your energy, performance, mood, and sleep.

Outlined below are some popular examples of the kind of workshops Jenny runs but of course she can always build a bespoke programme specifically for your individual team requirements.



What the session covers

In these one hour sessions, Jenny can work on a specific area of health such as energy, sleep or stress. These interactive workshops can be held either on-site or off-site depending on numbers with an optional food demonstration relevant to the subject being covered.

In this one hour introductory workshop Jenny can cover a range of topics, some popular choices are:

  • Your Energy, Your Nutrition
  • Nutrition for Performance
  • Improve Your Sleep Through Optimal Nutrition
  • Stress and Nutrition
  • Mood and Food



What the session covers

During a half-day workshop, Jenny can cover several topics, the same topic for multiple groups or work with one group to progress them to create their own personal nutrition plan. You can also choose to incorporate 2 x 25 minutes of food demonstrations as part of the half-day workshop.

In this half-day, Jenny can provide either of the following two solutions:

  • 3 x 1 hour workshop (topics as noted)
  • 2 x workshop and 2 recipe demonstrations



What the session covers

In a full-day workshop, you can have several groups exploring a variety of different nutrition topics with Jenny, several groups explore the same topic or she can work exclusively with one group and take them on a nutritional tour of the mind and body. The members of this exclusive group would expect to finish their day with a personalised nutrition plan and four new recipes to try at home.

During a full-day Jenny can provide either of the following solutions:

  • 6 x 1-hour workshop (topics as noted)
  • 4 x workshop and 4 recipe demonstrations

Latest Corporate Wellbeing Blog Posts

How Cluttered Is Your Kitchen?

By Jenny Tschiesche | 22nd February 2019

This guest blog was created by Jo Hall from Less is More.  Here you will find some incredibly useful hints and tips about creating and keeping a clutter free kitchen. I’ve already made a few tweaks that make my kitchen feel like a much happier and calmer place to be.

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Don't count calories!

By Jenny Tschiesche | 14th January 2019

If there is one thing that angers me it’s the continued focus on calorie-counting. It’s in the media constantly, on TV adverts for foods, and now even our children are being urged by Public Health England to seek out snacks under 100kcal with a catchy tune that even my son, who knows better, is singing!

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The Natural Way to Prevent Winter Bugs

By Jenny Tschiesche | 18th December 2018

It’s winter! The weather gets colder and wetter, the days get shorter, there’s far less sunshine. It sounds rather bleak doesn’t it? Yet, there’s also a lot going on at this time of year, the sorts of things you don’t want to be missing out on. Our immune systems work particularly hard to try and keep us healthy but it’s harder right now.

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