Introducing Jenny

Jenny, nutritionist and bestselling author pictured with a thermomix blender

Cookbook author and nutritionist Jenny is a sports fanatic who first discovered a passion for nutrition when she was 14 years old. At a national camp for future England field hockey players, she was given a diet sheet outlining pre-game and post-game nutrition plans. Although this sparked her interest in food and nutrition it took her until her mid-20's whilst in a senior role at an IT company and playing hockey at national league level to reignite the sparks. Jenny got injured and rethought her purpose. That's when she decided to study for another degree, this time in nutrition.

Jenny graduated in 2009. It had taken 6 years to complete a 4-year course and that's because she now had 2 young children. The food Jenny gave her children was her original inspiration for setting up a business in nutrition education. Added to this are her experiences in the world of business and sport. Now she finds herself focusing on all three areas - corporate wellbeing, sports nutrition and family health.

Jenny has a genuine passion for what she does which shines through whenever she presents, she is now also a published author of several cookery books, including two designed for the hugely popular Instant Pot and her no.1 Sunday Times Bestseller - Air-Fryer Cookbook.

Meet Jenny Tschiesche, a passionate nutrition educator, content creator, presenter and founder of Lunchbox Doctor.  Since 2009 when the nutrition business was started, she has run workshops all over the world for thousands of people. Jenny loves writing cookbooks and sharing great recipes to help adults, families and sports people to achieve a healthy lifestyle.

Jenny’s reputation over the course of her career has been built on her ability to simplify nutrition concepts and explain the science behind them, making it relevant and applicable to everyday life. Through story-telling and practical demonstration, Jenny brings nutrition to life to help individuals, families and teams within the workplace make positive changes to reduce stress, improve sleep, decrease the likelihood of depression and improve performance.

As an ex national field hockey player, Jenny is passionate about sport. Through her work she also regularly consults and educates elite athletes and their families on the right mix of healthy and nutritious meals to achieve peak performance.

You will also regularly find Jenny at food festivals and shows particularly during the summer months. She also regularly contributes to TV, radio, magazines and national media. We hope you enjoy the recipes and blog posts on this site. If you do and want more then get involved via social media.