Cook My Grub – Homecooked Food from Local Chefs

This period of lockdown has brought with it many changes to the way we eat as a population. One thing that has changed is the amount of home-cooked meals we have to prepare now. There’s no going out to restaurants, no popping to a coffee shop to meet a colleague or a friend for lunch. For many this has led to home-cooked meal fatigue.

The other part of our lives that has changed is the lack of opportunities to travel. It makes total sense that the viewing figures for travel documentaries and social media clips from areas less affected by covid have risen, especially during this latest lockdown period. We want to travel so badly but there’s no indication that that’s going to happen any time soon.

What I love about this new app called COOK MY GRUB is that you can allow your taste buds to do the travelling and get a well-earned break from home cooking at the same time. Cook My Grub is an online, home cooked food delivery marketplace offering quality, authentic, home-cooked food using an extremely user-friendly app. Our experience of using this app was seamless. If you wanted to try it out here’s what you need to do:

  1. you download the app to your phone
  2. you click on the app and choose what cuisine you want or where you’d like your taste buds to be transported to that evening. You will be able to see at this point when your order needs to be placed by in order that you get your takeaway that evening.
  3. you select what you’d like to order and place it in your cart (note: all allergens are listed for each dish so you can avoid ordering unsuitable dishes)
  4. after you’ve paid you can track your order from confirmation to fulfilment to delivery
  5. you’ll even get a text nearer delivery time to say exactly what time they’ll be there and another announcing their arrival in case your home is hard to find

The whole process is straight forward and the communication between the chef and the customer is excellent. The food we chose was Pakistani. The biryani was wonderfully aromatic, the sag paneer didn’t disappoint (I often find too little paneer in similar dishes from other takeaways) and the raita contrasted really well. The rest of the family (those who can tolerate gluten) had nan breads to go with. What was so enjoyable was the fact that for a moment we were able to convince ourselves that we were on holiday and sitting in a restaurant somewhere with these deliciously authentic foods to enjoy. What’s more no one had to cook and the plates simply got loaded into the dishwasher at the end of the evening. Now, that’s my kind of home-cooked meal!

Note: I was gifted a free meal by Cook My Grub in order to review my experience with the app. I am pleased I was and will be using the app again soon.

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