Healthy Food Blog

In the healthy food blog Jenny will share information about what is happening in the nutrition industry; and tips to help you prepare easy, healthy meals and nutritious snacks for all.  The blogs have been divided into categories below for ease of use – Happy Cooking!

What To Feed A Teenage Athlete? An interview with Seb and Ann Garry (GB Triathlete and his Nutritionist Mum)

By Jenny Tschiesche | 14th October 2016

As many of you know I have the privilege of running nutrition workshops for those athletes who are generally at the top of their sport…

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Healthier Convenience Foods

By Jenny Tschiesche | 30th September 2016

As time-poor parents we often want suitable quick wins. We want pre-packaged food that isn’t highly processed and that may actually provide some nutritional value.…

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How To Bake Healthy But Tasty Cakes!

By Jenny Tschiesche | 30th September 2016

I’ve noticed lately, especially during this season when so many cookery programmes are on our screens, not least #GBBO that the children suddenly get an…

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Happy Tummies Means Happy Eaters

By Jenny Tschiesche | 15th September 2016

Probiotics and Fussy Eating? Is your child a fussy or picky eater? Have you ever thought about how his or her gut bacteria may be…

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How To Calculate Added Sugars?

By Jenny Tschiesche | 12th September 2016

It’s not easy to try and work out how much sugar has been added* to your children’s favourite food.  Some say it is not even…

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5 Ways to make packed lunches less of a chore

By Jenny Tschiesche | 7th September 2016

With the new term now underway I am sure you are already fed up with the tedium of packed lunches. They can become a real…

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