Introducing Sports Nutrition

Sports nutrition workshops and demonstrations can be arranged to suit the needs of your club, your team(s) or individual athletes. Jenny is a nutrition expert and former national league field hockey player,  passionate about fuelling for performance. She thoroughly enjoys educating some of the country’s most talented young athletes on their food intake and the impact this can have on their training and performance outcomes. Her sports nutrition workshops have been attended by Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales, the Patron of Sports Aid; and former Olympic athletes including Dame Katherine Grainger and Becky Adlington OBE.

Sports Performance Nutrition Services

Image - Jenny and Duchess of Cambridge

Sports Nutrition Workshops

During these one-hour workshops Jenny focuses on helping athletes to understand how to use food strategically to improve performance. The workshops focus on the importance of quality as well as quantity when it comes to food intake, the value of specific food groups, which foods fit into these food groups and how to integrate those into a balanced diet. Understanding hydration and refueling strategies pre-workout, during sport and post-workout is important. Allowing athletes to have the opportunity to make their own recovery drink or bar helps them to understand more.


Sports Nutrition Programmes

Longer term sports nutrition programmes are offered to clubs over the course of several weeks. These allow a deeper level of nutrition for performance knowledge and can track the performance improvements as a result. These programmes can be tailored to suit the needs of your club or team(s).


Sports Nutrition Demonstrations

Jenny is an accomplished sports nutrition recipe developer. She offers recipe demonstrations using a portable kitchen to provide advice and recipes to help you achieve particular sports nutrition goals. These demonstrations can also be delivered remotely via videocam or prerecorded in order to share with your team or athletes.

Benefits of Sports Nutrition Workshops

Jenny’s workshops help to move athletes from theory to practice by getting athletes involved in practical tasks such as making their own post-training recovery drink, or post-training recovery bar. Making the session practical, including looking at the cost of certain ingredients, means it’s more likely that athletes are going to put in place elements they’ve learnt from the workshop. Through implementing some of these learnings, they are more likely to:

  • Train harder for longer
  • Delay the onset of fatigue
  • Improve body composition and strength
  • Enhance concentration
  • Prepare the body for the next day’s training

Sports Nutrition Clients

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Performance Nutrition Testimonials

“Jenny has been delivering nutrition workshops with SportsAid athletes and their parents for many years and is an integral workshop team member. Our athletes say it is the most valuable session of the day and Jenny’s knowledge and enthusiasm makes it engaging and informative for athletes and adults alike. She has also worked with several of our corporate partners to educate their staff and provide personal nutritional advice and plans.”

Graham Dandy, Partnership Manager at SportsAid

I’m so pleased that I could come along and enjoy your workshop.  I really thought it was interesting, inspirational, motivational, fun and practical.  Both Ben and Maya really enjoyed it as well!  I also wanted to let you know that the next day I ran into one if the other Mums who attended it, and she said it had inspired a discussion over dinner time which resulted in her buying a flask so her son could bring healthier lunches into school. We really appreciate your making it work time-wise with our busy rowers, and for making it so incredibly relevant.

Steph, Rower Parent

High-Performance Nutritionist Service Examples

Jenny can offer a range of workshops and training programmes to help educate and inform elite athletes of all ages and disciplines.  Highlighted below are some of the most popular workshops but of course, Jenny is able to tailor bespoke programmes to suit your individual club or team requirements, please get in touch to find out more.

Performance Nutrition for Teens


Improving Teen Athlete Performance Through Optimal Nutrition

Depending on how active they are, teenage athletes may need anywhere from 2,000 to 5,000 total calories per day to meet their energy needs. They have to support not only their performance and energy levels but also their growth needs.

Jenny runs workshops focusing specifically on the needs of teenage athletes including:

  • Protein Power
  • Benefits of healthy fats
  • Recovery Strategies
  • Nutrient Timing
  • Mineral and Vitamin Requirements
  • Hydration Strategies
  • Eating Before Competition

Nutrition Specialist for Clubs


Improving Knowledge and Awareness of the Role of Nutrition for Within Your Sports Club

Focusing on improved sports nutrition for your club means a greater understanding of the role of nutrition in your sport. Jenny is highly skilled in interpreting sports nutrition science into clear and concise advice.

With these workshops your club members will learn how optimal nutrition can:


  • Improve performance
  • Reduce the risk of injury and illness
  • Ensure the best recovery after exercise

Sports Nutritionist for Schools


Improve the Awareness of Sports Nutrition Amongst Your Athletic Pupils

School-age children often do not receive sufficient sports nutrition advice and yet often participate in sport daily and often more than once a day. Added to this is the difficulty in finding time to eat well in amongst schooling, travel to and from training and homework. With Jenny’s workshops, these practical issues will be addressed.

Jenny will help your school’s athletes to understand:


  • What to eat from the school canteen
  • The importance of breakfast
  • What to bring or buy as snacks for pre- and post-training
  • Ideas for recovery drinks
  • Hydration Strategies

Latest High Performance Nutrition Blog Posts

Picture of student studying for exams

Foods For Exams

By Jenny Tschiesche | 17th April 2023

Foods For Exams

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Former Olympian on Inspiring Her Own Children

By Jenny Tschiesche | 26th April 2019

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Don't count calories!

By Jenny Tschiesche | 14th January 2019

If there is one thing that angers me it’s the continued focus on calorie-counting. It’s in the media constantly, on TV adverts for foods, and now even our children are being urged by Public Health England to seek out snacks under 100kcal with a catchy tune that even my son, who knows better, is singing!

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